Opening Statement

Welcome to the Scottish UFO Research Association website, a Scottish perspective on the UFO and alien phenomena that has existed on planet Earth for 1000s of years.

UFOs and the alien phenomena are important to everyone because they are a sign that we are not alone in our universe. “Are we alone in this universe?” is one of the great scientific questions of today. The true answer to this question will obviously lead to a greater understanding of the nature of our universe. Perhaps a better question to ask ourselves would be “If aliens are visiting us then what else do they know about our universe that we do not know?”. They might know things like how many universes there are, what human beings on other planets look like, the truth about life after death, our purpose in life, and the purpose of all existence. These are all important questions, at least to those of us who are not struggling with daily life.

Another question might be “If aliens are visiting us then why do they not land openly and greet us?”. If we ask ourselves this question then it leads to thoughts about the maturity of our civilisation, the frequency of wars, the average murder rate, the existence of material poverty, even the thoughts, speech and actions that each of us have every minute of every day.

I theorize that the UFO and alien phenomena indicates that we are being watched by more evolved human beings (I refer to all highly intelligent life as human beings) who are concerned about us. They are gently and gradually making themselves noticable in order to avoid panic. We should pay attention in order to eventually become more like them. More peaceful within ourselves, to each other (globally). How do we know that they are peaceful? Well they haven’t attacked in many centuries and therefore they must be peaceful.

I hope to use this website to collect and analyze UFO and alien sightings that people around the world experience. In additiona to this I hope to provide interesting a useful information on the subject to everyone and discuss it with likeminded individuals.

James Moore

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